
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pie in the face.

I have taught the fourth grade girls small group for two years now. Recently, I was brainstorming ideas to get them more interested and excited about learning memory verses. Last month, our virtue was humility. In Philippians, there are nine verses on humility. While in class, I asked the girls what they would memorize the nine verses for. One girl said, "I'll memorize them if I can put a pie in your face!" Everyone laughed and agreed so I did, too. Why not, right?

Well, the girls had a whole month to memorize all nine verses and recite them to me. It came to the last Sunday and I had thought I was home-free...until my girls got to church. Sydney came up to me, very flustered and almost in a panic said, "Ms. Abbey, I can say ALL NINE VERSES!" I was happy for her but realized I was about to hear something that confirmed a pie in my face. Next thing I know, all nine verses had been said, word for word. I told Sydney that next Sunday would be the day. You could see the joy of accomplishment in her face. It made me happy to see her so excited. 

So Sunday came...and you can only imagine how I felt...unless you've had a pie in the face, of course.

Whipped cream up my nose, almost touching my brain.
Sticky curls of hair that had to last 4 more hours.
Eyes burning as it melted down my face.

But more than anything, I created a moment of happiness, ultimately in Christ, for a girl who is dear to my heart. She may look at throwing a pie in my face as a fun, silly moment because she memorized a verse, but my prayer for her and every girl in my group is that they look to me and see Jesus. I pray that every word, study, action and day reflects back to Him and as they grow older, trust in Him completely and see why I love them so much.

And pretty sure my grey shirt is stained from whipped cream.
Who knew?

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