
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weekend well learned.

Last week was one of those weeks where the weekend is like the tape at the end of a race: I couldn't wait to see it. It was five days packed full of madness, stress and problems...but I pressed on knowing God was with me (Hebrews 12:1).

I was excited about a not so busy weekend. I made plans to spend some time outside with a dear friend, grab lunch with another and spend some time with my sweet fourth grade girls...but God had something planned before all that was to come.

Have you ever prayed for something and while completely trusting in God and letting your desires be known to Him, you never once expect or think that He actually might give you what you want? The lines of my journal have been covered for almost nine months with prayers about a certain situation in my life. God has known what I wanted and what I would like to see happen concerning it, but Friday night was a complete time of awe in learning more of God and His character. I have prayed, cried and emptied my heart of this situation and given it all to God. It's the only thing I have known to do. I am thankful that I have learned that in order for God to work in situations they must be given completely to Him, but I had no idea what was coming my way. I saw progress, excitement and God's hand at work. I was in true awe of my Father and it was the most beautiful picture. Words can't describe what I felt nor am feeling, but all I can say it thank you, Father. Thank you for your timing, faithfulness and the way you showed me that trusting you can lead to no wrong. Friends, I pray you can come to know what I have learned this weekend. God is capable of anything and everything (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27) and nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 1:37) but trust Him in everything and He can work in things that we can ourselves cannot.
For what we are not, God is. 

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