
Sunday, February 5, 2012

5 days in...

It's already February?

I can't believe it's already a month into 2012, 
and more so, a week into a new month.

I feel like this week was one of the longest I've had in a long time.

Balancing three jobs,
dealing with the pains of hurtful family members
and being on a roller coaster of emotions
has certainly taken on toll on my mind and heart.

I am so glad that tomorrow starts a new week.

It isn't much, 
but we as followers of Christ have hope.

Although our circumstances might be less than perfect,
we have hope because our God is in control.
Isn't that freeing? To know we don't have to worry!

As I lay here trying to rest my mind and come to ease,
I find it comforting to know that I can tell God to deal with these things so I don't have to.
And He will.

It's a peace I pray we all find and cling to.

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