I was sitting at home the other day watching television and a commercial came on where two kids were at home opening presents on Christmas morning. Their dad asked them what they thought about going to Disneyworld and their mom joined in, getting them more and more excited about what they were slowly realizing. They soon grasp the fact that in a few hours they were about to board a plane and fly to Disney. They, of course, freak out and go into this act of shock and awe. They were so happy and going to the 'happiest place on earth.'
"Happiest place on earth"....
What does that look like for you?
For me, it's this:

If you came to me on Christmas morning, or ever, and said I was hours away from flying to La Represa I would probably freak out. La Represa, Dominican Republic is my favorite place on this earth and, in my opinion, the happiest place on earth.
My first trip was in March of last year. I was excited to go. It was a completely new experience for me. I had never done mission work outside of the United States and I was excited because I had no idea what to expect. Ten days there went by way too fast and I left with a broken heart. I didn't really know why I felt the way I did but I was talking to a dear friend who said, "Don't worry, you'll be back." It never crossed my mind that leaving is what was killing my heart. I had come to know and love the people in that community. I left with a heavy heart but excited to see what else God had in store for me.
I arrived back in the U.S. on March 15, 2009. On October 2, 2009 I boarded a plane to the happiest place on earth....again. I was beyond excited. I had found out almost two weeks prior that there was one spot available and it had my name on it if I wanted it. I thought to myself, "who goes to the Dominican twice in one year?!" This girl. I got down there and was the happiest I had ever been in my twenty three years. I was in love and in my element. I was serving my Father, loving on children I wanted to bring home with me and living in a place completely opposite of what I've grown up to know as home. But that place...that community and those people...they became home. God grew my heart a lot in those seven days. I dreaded leaving and as we sang praises to God, prayed and started to say our goodbyes, my heart sank to the depth of my being. I would have never left if I didn't have to.
Those who were around me knew, and still know, how I feel about that place. It's my home and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of a child, an adult or just beautiful Dominican life. My computer and walls of my bedroom are cluttered with photos and dear memories. I would do anything to go back.
I miss the children I've come to know, adore and love with all my heart.

I miss working harder than I've ever worked.
I miss serving God in one of the best and most enjoyable ways I know how.
I miss being in a place that I've fallen in love with.
I miss La Represa.
But....In nearly two months, there is another trip to La Represa. I have the opportunity to go back. Back to my home, back to my element and back to where I belong. A lot must happen before then, but God willing, I will be on that plane in March headed to see how my heart is doing because it's there and it's staying. I pray that God grants me the opportunity to go again and that He provides finances that I may do so. I know He can because our God is so good and so great. How I'd love that gift!...to go back to my happiest place on earth.