It feels like my birthday sort of snuck up on me this year. I knew it was coming when it was finally May, but about the 20th I remember thinking, "Whoa, I am turning 24 in three days....crazy."But those three days came and went and yesterday was May 23, 2011: my 24th birthday.
To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to my birthday. Last year, turning 23, seemed to be the last one I could really look forward to. At 13 you're a teen, at 16 you can drive, at 18 you're legal, at 21 you can drink and 23 was my golden year. So 24...what's happy about that? Certainly nothing in my opinion, except another year older. I guess part of it was because 23 was such a good year. The night before my 24th, I found myself looking back at the year. I grew so much as a person, a woman and a lover of Christ. So many good things came from 23. Another part is that I am dealing with a lot of trust and faith issues with Christ and where He has me in life. I want to trust in Him completely and have faith that He has a plan that is best for me, but sometimes it's so hard. There are a lot of things I want and things I aspire to do and being patient is hard. So with all this, I wasn't happy to see 24. But, although feeling unexcited and like I was going to be disappointed, I sucked it up and tried to put on a happy face.
I woke up to an unexpected letter and Starbucks gift card from my younger brother, Matt. It was filled with words of thanks and love. I got my free birthday drink and headed to work. I got to work and was surprisingly greeted with smiles, well wishes and birthday hugs all around. A couple of very dear friends came by my office and gave me gifts that meant the world to me. One included a Scooby-Doo balloon from a very sweet three year old (it's the little things). My youngest brother, Barton, even came by and brought me a sweet gift and a card I'll forever cherish. Barton, myself and the amazing children's team I am blessed to be a part of headed to Demos' for a birthday lunch.

It was a wonderful lunch. I am blessed to work with such amazing people. They gave me a very sweet and thoughtful gift, too. After lunch we had a team meeting and I got a little more work done and then headed to Camino Real for dinner with a bunch of family. It's one of my favorites and everyone enjoys it so we all headed to eat. It's always great to celebrate with a bunch of family...except when they secretly tell the waitress it's your birthday.
After dinner, I headed to a friend's house to hang out with some dear friends. We had birthday cake and talked about things of God. There's no better way to end a birth day. I got home and started writing and looked over my texts, emails and Facebook posts. I just sat and felt God's presence come over me.
I am blessed. I am beyond blessed. Life can be crazy and difficult and busy, but in that moment I could feel the weight of God's blessings on my life. I have family that is messed up, but they love me. I have friends that support and love me more than anyone should deserve. I have a great life. God has blessed me and I pray that I can pass blessings on to others from Him. My God is so very good and He is so very good to me. Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful 24th birthday.
A dear friend wrote me a letter for my birthday and included in that letter was this verse, my birthday verse:
"May God himself, the God of peace,
sanctify you through and through.
May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
-1 Thessalonians 5:23
That's my prayer, Lord. Let me shine in 24.