For the past two years I have invested my heart and soul into many things, but one sticks out in my mind like a sore thumb:
There is nothing I love in life more than the time I spend in GROW Children's ministry. It is one thing I do and always love and always look forward to. I love every second of it. From the children, to the parents, to office work, to curriculum-I love it all. I am able to use the gifts that God gave me in the best way here, along some amazing people and this place has become a home.
About two weeks ago I applied to intern for the children's ministry of my church, New Vision. With having applied for it before and God intervening in the situation to grow myself and our relationship, I got to a point where I knew God gave me permission to go ahead and and apply again. I took home the paperwork and literally prayed over it for about 3 days. God finally gave me a little push to get started on it and everything needed to be done for it. I talked to friends and co-workers about references, got paperwork squared away and turned it all in, knowing that it was all in God's hands and feeling okay and confident in that what He wanted would be done.
Yesterday marked two weeks since turning it all in. I sat in the office working on some emails and the normal Wednesday routine and thought to myself, "I wish I could know something...what's taking so long?" Then God spoke up and said, "Abbey, patience, my child." I sat and soaked in His goodness and gentleness. A few minutes later, Murray, our children's pastor, came in and asked if I had a minute to talk. I instantly got a bad feeling but said yes and walked to his office. We sat down and he said, "Congratulations!!!" I was confused and taken back at his sudden excitement. "Welcome to the team, intern." I could feel the joy lighting up my face and all I could say was, "really?" Michael laughed and congratulated me again as we got to talking about some of the details. Our sweet meeting ended with a hug and I walked out with a grin that was beginning to hurt my cheeks. I saw my co-workers and they gave me a thumbs-up with a questionable look on their face. I said, "YES!!!", and it was followed by sweet comments and a gift of celebration from Adam and Jennie:

As awesome as this news is I can only give God credit. He made this happen and He deserves all the glory! Yes, they chose and hired me, but the good that is in me is Him. Without Him I am nothing. I am nothing and lost looking for the only thing anyone really needs. He is so good, so loving and so wonderful to me. I can only glorify Him through all the great things I am hearing. I love and appreciate all the congrats and words of encouragement, but when I hear them I look to my God. God you are great, well-deserving and worthy of all praise! Thank you for your goodness, your joy and your will.
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him,
and have been called according to His purpose."
-Romans 8:28